Get Help for Your Tax Problems

If you’re suffering from tax problems with the IRS or state agencies and owe back taxes, penalties, and interest, contact Robert P Fahey CPA LLC now. We have the skills and experience to end wage garnishment, release tax liens, and find solutions for all kinds of IRS tax problems. We’ll make sure you understand your rights and explore all the tax relief options available to identify the best course of action for your needs and circumstances.

Robert P Fahey CPA LLC is a reputable tax resolution firm that helps people just like you break free from tax problems. When taxpayers try to deal with the IRS on their own, the results are usually stress and frustration. But, if you enlist our help, you'll avoid unnecessary anxiety. We'll negotiate directly with the IRS on your behalf to set up an affordable payment plan or take advantage of a suitable tax relief program.

We understand what it's like to be in your shoes and know that the sooner you contact us, the sooner you’ll settle your tax debt and can move on with your life. So don’t delay, call 262-248-3744 now or request your consultation through our website.

Success Stories

Joan Contractor $125,000 Trust Fund Penalty, Paid $0
Mark Entrepreneur $144,000 WI Sales Tax, paid $0
George Business Owner Original Tax Debt of $57,000 reduced to $7,200 after we ammended 3 years tax returns which were subjected to audit by the IRS and the WI DOR
Christine Wife $15,000 of Innocent Spouse relief granted
Stephanie Business Owner $86,000 Reasonable Compensation Claim by IRS resolved for $6235
James Retired Real Estate Owner $3839 Levy released and 5 years delinquent tax returns filed
Noemi Real Estate Agent 9 years unfiled tax returns and $218,871 tax debt settled for $3,723
Gloria Retired Hairstylist Stopped Levy on her Social Security payments, $18,912 tax debt classified Currently Not Collectible (the IRS stops collection action)
Kimberly Widow of Retailer Successfully Appealed federal and WI Trust Fund Penalties and provided consulting services in liquidation of retail business
Ed Retired Small Business owner $60,000 combined federal and WI income taxes eliminated through extensive investigation of erroneous IRS Form 1099-B issued by Trust Company and amended tax returns
Jose Disabled Taxpayer $2,275 abatement of IRS penalties and $42,742 of WI debt forgiven
Mike Retail Business owner Settled IRS Tax debt of $100,119 for $3275 and Wi Tax Debt of$245,255 for $16,877
Lawrence Former Business owner 9 years unpaid IRS taxes totaling $109,191 resolved for $12,730
Brian Part owner in real estate Facilitated sale of Property by securing IRS Lien release
Linton Employee Settled $12,695 of IRS Tax Debt for $1,450
Hundreds More + + All Types + + $Millions More + + +